9 inspiring thoughts from Bill Clinton on interconnectedness : TreeHugger
"Our consciousness, particular when under the kind of economic pressure we've been under, is still not where it needs to be to develop the solutions that are most-likely to work. What do I mean by that? If you want a future of shared responsibilities, shared opportunities and shared sense of community, you have to believe certain things. You have to believe that creative cooperation is better than constant conflict. You have to believe that we're all in this together. You have to believe that are differences are interesting, they make life more interesting. They are exciting, but our common humanity matters more. You have to be willing to look at science and let your eyes overcome your ideology."
Friday, October 11, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
A sketch of my proposal to cure the ills of Tunisia and generate jobs.
is a sketch of my proposal to cure the ills of Tunisia and generate
jobs. I believe that the causes presented and remedies prescribed could
apply to many, but not all, African countries. Nevertheless, similar
methodologies/approaches can be used to address the different contexts
in the country spectrum of mother continent Africa: http:// novacogitatio.blogspot.com/ 2013/04/ st-tunisias-lifeboat.html
For a translated preliminary french version: http:// novacogitatio.blogspot.com/ 2013/06/ st-un-bateau-de-sauvetage-pour- la.html
Part of the paper was published by the German BMBF: http:// www.kooperation-international.d e/fileadmin/public/downloads/ itb/info_13_05_29_SAG.pdf#c5
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
TunisiaSat1423 : Comment d�velopper des PME dans la technologie spatiale?
TunisiaSat1423 : Comment d�velopper des PME dans la technologie spatiale?: La Tunisie libre est plus que jamais d�cid�e �se rapprocher plus des pays d�velopp�s par le biais de l’innovation, ce qui lui permettrait d’am�liorer ses performances socio�conomiques. Dans cette optique et depuis l’ind�pendance, de grands efforts ont �t�d�ploy�s pour la mise en place d’un Syst�me National d’Innovation (SNI) [1], et ainsi jeter les jalons fondamentaux de la Soci�t�du Savoir. Cet instrument strat�gique et structurant a pour mission de stimuler la cha�ne d’innovation nationale et d’assurer une synergie entre le savoir, le savoir-faire et la soci�t�, en mettant les connaissances au service du d�veloppement �conomique et du bien-�tre du citoyen.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Arab Spring Falters Yet Tunisian Democracy Thrives - Bloomberg
Arab Spring Falters Yet Tunisian Democracy Thrives - Bloomberg: Tunisia is not all the way there, but having visited the country this month, I found it hard to escape the conclusion that this is what a democratic revolution is supposed to look like. If democracy is going to work in the Arabic-speaking world, Tunisia is becoming the model. If it fails in Tunisia, the prospects for every place else are very grim indeed.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Tunisie: Le r�gime parlementaire int�gral d’Ennahdha est dangereux pour la Tunisie
Tunisie: Le r�gime parlementaire int�gral d’Ennahdha est dangereux pour la Tunisie: Le parlementarisme propos�par Ennahda est illusoire et dangereux. Il nous laisse le choix entre la peste et le chol�ra. La peste : l’h�g�monie d’un parti ou d’une faction sur les institutions de la R�publique, avec le risque subs�quent que le gouvernement se transforme en un gouvernement id�ologique. Le chol�ra : la paralysie des institutions, en raison du caract�re automatique de la d�signation du premier ministre dans les rangs du parti disposant du plus grand nombre de si�ges, m�me s’il n’est pas assur�d’avoir la majorit�au Parlement.
Tunisian democracy threatened by weak opposition
Tunisian democracy threatened by weak opposition
"But unless the opposition dramatically ups its game, chances are the Islamist machine will snap these up as well. "
"But unless the opposition dramatically ups its game, chances are the Islamist machine will snap these up as well. "
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Roving Bandit: The Arab Spring: Too much education and not enough...
Roving Bandit: The Arab Spring: Too much education and not enough...: Its always nice to have your priors confirmed by some systematic data. Here is Campante and Chor in the Journal of Economic Perspectives w...
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